Science Transition

The prosthesis consists of a custom made socket liner pylon and foot. It is important to discuss your specific needs and activities with your clinician so they can help determine which option is best for you.

10 Strengthening Exercises For Below Knee Amputation Ortho Engineering Inc Orthotics Prosthetics And Therapeutic Shoes

There are many types of below knee prostheses.

Below knee amputation prosthesis types. Below knee amputation may be necessary for people with critical limb ischaemia caused by advanced vascular disease or diabetic foot infection sepsis where no other treatment option is possible. Weight-bearing is achieved by total contact and gently applying pressure at specific pressure tolerant anatomical. The surgeon will cut through the leg below the knee amputating the lower leg foot and ankle.

Sometimes the prosthesis may consist of a sleeve or other harness depending on the suspension system used for that patient. The prices and functionality differ. Hinge-style knees that can only bend forward and backward Polycentric knees.

The BKA is the most common type of amputation performed and the risk of serious post-operative complications in a BKA is far less than in a transfemoral amputation. The movement on the knee joint is free which makes it easier to walk with these devices without any need for the knee joint. The two most common lower extremity amputations are the transfemoral above the knee- AK and the transtibial below the knee- BK.

Keeping the knee joint gives a better chance of walking using an artificial leg or prosthesis and social independence after the amputation. A below knee amputation BKA also known as a transtibial amputation is an amputation through your shin bone. Each has its own benefits with the most appropriate knee determined by the needs of the individual.

In a BKA the knee-joint is spared and walking with a prosthesis is typically more successful. As an abundance of statistics will show the predominant cause of amputation in western society is peripheral vascular disease and increasingly the preferred site of amputation is below the knee. By improving linkage with your leg the Harmony system improves your gait and increases security while the Triton foot with its split toe and shock-absorbing functional ring handles any lumps and bumps.

The type of amputation above or below the knee can also affect your decision. The below knee amputee community is raving about the benefits the iWALK20 has for below knee amputees. There are many different types of prosthetic knees.

A below-knee prosthesis also called a transtibial prosthesis will typically consist of a custom-made socket a pylon a foot and some means of suspending the prosthesis to the body. The socket has to be efficiently fitted have adequate load transmission and it needs to ensure stability and control1. A prosthesis below the knee BK or transtibial TT is custom-designed for a patient who has had a BK or TT amputation.

Summary A below knee amputation is the removal of the leg below the knee. The below-knee prosthesis can therefore be characterized as the bread and butter prosthesis the one upon which the prosthetist counts to pay salaries and overhead. Products designed and sized for below knee amputations.

The two common kinds of prosthetic knee joints are. If the knee joint is intact the prosthetic leg takes much less effort to move and allows for more mobility explains Keszler. A below-the-knee or trans-tibial amputation is the level of amputation where the tibia and fibula the two bones in the lower part of your leg are transected.

Weve taken two of our best prosthetic systems the Triton carbon fibre foot and the Harmony volume management system and combined them to make one of the best below-knee systems available. Patients undergoing a below-knee amputation have a much greater likelihood of ambulating with a prosthesis compared to above-knee amputees owing to both the mechanical advantages of preserving the knee joint and underlying patient factors predisposing the level of amputation ie often these patients will have greater functional reserve compared to those undergoing above knee amputations. The type that an amputee is fit with depends on the shape of the residual limb activity level prognosis and individual preference.

Patella-Tendon Weight-Bearing Prosthesis PTB Total-Surface Bearing Prosthesis TSB A Joint-Corset Prosthesis. A below knee BK or transtibial TT prosthesis is custom made for a person who has had a BK or TT amputation. For workers who have an above the knee amputation there are different prosthetic knee joints available.

Whether youre pre-amputation post-amputation or already using your permanent prosthetic iWALK20 is a game changing temporary lower leg prosthetic that many BKAs use daily. Prosthetic supplies for BK amputees ranging from socks to shrinkers to sleeves. Learn more about each type of technology below.

Types of prosthesis include. But in these prostheses there is no need for moving or adjustable knee joints. Often the below-knee prosthesis consists of a sleeve or other gear based on the suspension mechanism used by the recipient.

Below knee prosthesis also consists of the same components as in above-knee amputation. The major components of a lower limb prosthesis include the socket interface where the liner contacts the skin suspension pylonframe knee unit if applicable footankle complex hip joint if applicable. The prosthetic socket is the primary and critical interface between the amputees residual limb and the rest of the prosthesis12 and therefore a good comfortable fit is required to ensure a positive outcome is reached in an amputees rehabilitation2.

You still maintain a functioning knee joint. Its generally easier to use a below-the-knee prosthetic leg than an above-the-knee prosthesis. Your prosthetist will create an individualized socket specific to your limb and will choose the most appropriate componentry to fit your lifestyle and needs.

The prosthesis comprises a customized socket a liner a pylon and a foot. In order to wear a below knee prosthesis a method of suspension must be used to keep the prosthesis on the users limb regardless of the socket design.

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