Science Transition

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASDs are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. A head thats smaller than average.

What Are The Facial Characteristics Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Pediatriceducation Org

From memory and learning issues cerebral palsy and autism to physical development issues and a failure to develop normal social skills there are a variety of symptoms that every mother should shield her baby from.

Fetal alcohol syndrome features. Vision or hearing problems. Fetal alcohol syndrome can have many symptoms including. 1 characteristic facial anomalies see image below 2 growth retardation intrauterine growth.

These are secondary conditions that an individual is not born with but that he or she might acquire as a result of fetal alcohol syndrome or other fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Unusual facial feature such as small eye thinner upper lips upturned nose smooth skin between upper lips and nose etc Joint deformities deformed fingers and limbs Delayed physical growth during pregnancy and after birth. FAS occurs as a result of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

The 3 Diagnostic Facial Features of FAS All three must be present Examples of the full Rank 4 FAS facial phenotype across race and age A Caucasian B Caucasian infant C African American D Asian E Hispanic F Native American. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS. The diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome FAS is based on findings in the following 3 areas.

Characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Some of the common fetal alcohol syndrome characteristics include abnormal facial features growth deficiency and central nervous system problems. Joint limb and finger. Over time children with fetal alcohol syndrome are at risk for psychiatric problems criminal behavior unemployment and incomplete education.

Foetal alcohol syndrome is a type of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder FASD the name for all the various problems that can affect children if their mother drinks alcohol in pregnancy. FAS represents the severe end of the FASD. Abnormal facial features particularly a smooth ridge between the nose and upper lip.

Symptoms of foetal alcohol syndrome. Some common symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may include. People with FAS can display any number of the following symptoms.

Physical defects Distinctive facial features including small eyes an exceptionally thin upper lip a short upturned nose and a smooth skin surface between the nose and upper lip. The severity of these symptoms ranges from mild to severe and can include. Fetal alcohol syndrome includes the most severe signs that develop as a result of alcohol exposure during pregnancy.

Over time children with the condition are at risk for psychiatric problems criminal behavior unemployment and incomplete education. People with FAS might have abnormal facial features growth problems and central nervous system CNS problems. Dysmorphic Facial Features of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASDs Minor abnormalities dysmorphia of facial features are very important clues to brain structure and function.

Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS is the most clinically recognizable form of FASD and is characterized by a pattern of minor facial anomalies prenatal and postnatal growth retardation and functional. Poor social skills including getting along with others may indicate FAS. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS is a set of mental and physical disorders that can include mental retardation brain dysfunction physical abnormalities learning disabilities and psychological disorders.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Characteristics FAS causes a diverse set of problems ranging from a distinctive facial appearance growth and developmental delays to mental retardation and behavioral problems. They provide an outward sign on brain formation and development in gestation. Fetal death is the most extreme outcome from drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS is at the most severe end of the FASD spectrum. Signs and symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome may include any mix of physical defects intellectual or cognitive disabilities and problems functioning and coping with daily life. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Symptoms.

Since fetal alcohol syndrome covers a wide range of problems there are many possible symptoms. Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance short height low body weight small head size poor coordination low intelligence behavior problems learning difficulties and problems with hearing or sight. It should be noted that the severity of physical mental and even behavioral defects differ from one child to another.

Small head and brain size. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can also manifest itself in social and behavioral issues. From poor social skills to problems with impulse control noticing these behavioral markers may help you identify FAS and get your child a diagnosis and medical treatment.

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